Friday, September 19, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Like many people, I prefer JetBlue and Virgin to other airlines, even if the fare is a little more expensive, because they seem more interested in providing a good product so it's more fun to travel with them. The other airlines seem to want to provide an expected product. It feels the same with news -- Harpers, The Independent, CSPAN and shows like Bill Moyer's Journal feel like they are trying to provide a good product, while I think the Globe, New York Times, and the daily news shows (even PBS's News Hour) are trying to provide an expected product.

When I was growing up a friend of my parents said he never watched TV anymore. I was surprised that he would not want to watch even the good programs, even if he thought there were just a few. I get where he was coming from now, and wonder if the customization we now have to filter out commercials would have helped him. Tivo can be set up to only record from certain channels, so you only watch the channels and programs you like.

I recently watched ABC World News on TV for the first time in years, and noticed how crazily different it is from the news I'm used to now. I can't take it seriously. I think this means I'm elitist.

I'd like to make a news-aggregating web site to get trusted news. It wouldn't be right or left wing, conservative or liberal - it would be a platform to mix and match trusted articles and journalists from around the world, and to save one's custom newspaper under a name that others could find. You could read George Will's or George Clooney's newspaper because you trusted them, and get real news whatever your political position was.

Monday, September 15, 2008


I tried to make Sangria from the El Bulli recipe. It tastes like a cross between traditional Sangria and mulled wine, and was pretty easy to make.

The wine part starts with a 5:1 mixture of wine and sugar boiled with oranges rinds, peppercorns, and bay leaves until reduced by half. Then 3 times its volume of red wine, 1/3 its volume of simple syrup, and 1/3 its volume of Curacao are added. The recipe also adds ginger and glucose but I didn't have any, I'm guessing the glucose would have helped separate the two halves of the drink.

The juice part is a 4:2:2:1 mixture of orange, tangerine, peach, and apple juices with a little lime juice added.